Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories #602 (April 1996)

Don Rosa's "Treasury of Croesus - part two," continues the adventure - which is complicated by the likes of the villainous Professor Pigayam, who is also after the treasure. Donald gets hired as a security guard and faces the Beagle Boys in Fred Milton's "The Clock Watcher." In Gottfredson's second installment of "Blaggard Castle," Minnie and Clarabelle search for Mickey and Horace, who are being subjected to evil experiments by the professors Ecks and Doublex. In "Woes Garden" by William Van Horn, the issue concludes with Donald and the boys leaving the city to 'get away from it all'. However, life in the country is not what it's cracked up to be. Many other extras in this issue! (very limited supply)

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